Being a Tourist In My Neighbourhood

Our group 6 students recently embarked on an exciting educational walk to Haarlemmermeerse Bos as part of their new IPC Unit, "The Holiday Show".

By Valentina Spyropoulou, Teacher & Multilingual Learning Specialist

The fun day exploring in the forest served as a wonderful Entry Point to wrap up their school year. During the visit, the children participated in various activities that focused on what makes a tourist area safe, attractive, and enjoyable. They discussed ways to improve the Haarlemmermeerse Bos, examining everything from sustainable practices and safety measures to the importance of information points, restaurants, cafes, and waste management facilities.


Creative Solutions for a Better Tourist Experience

The students came up with fantastic ideas to enhance the area, such as adding more bins, installing fences around playgrounds for safety, protecting local wildlife with clearer and larger signs, and introducing facilities that sell local products and offer cultural and nature-related experiences.

An essential part of the trip was to imagine ourselves as tourists in the Netherlands. To fully embrace this experience, we enjoyed delicious stroopwafels and outdoor play together, all while taking in the beautiful nature around us.

This outing was not only educational but also a lot of fun, leaving the students with a better understanding of what makes a tourist area great and how they can contribute to their local community.