Celebrating cultures

On Wednesday 7 June we celebrated the rich diversity of cultures, traditions and languages we have at our school community during our International Cultural Day and Language Friendly Festival, whilst also celebrating our 5 year anniversary.

By Manon Blaxland, PR and Communications Manager

In the morning the children went on a journey with their OIS passport and took part in many activities, learned lots about different traditions. Followed by a food and culture market in the afternoon, where we had more than 22 stalls as well as a very busy Open Stage where children  could perform. All activities, the delicous food and the amazing performance and the togetherness uplifted our spirits.

On this day, we also celebrated our 5 year anniversary. In January 2018 we opened our door to 25 families and since then have welcomed more than 500 children to our school and have more than 40 nationalities within our OIS community.

Language Friendly

“As this day showed, we take great importance in ensuring we follow a multilinguistic inclusive aprroach. When you have so many famiies who are multilingual in your community you want to make sure children and parents feel welcome”, says Anne-Marie van Holst, Director OIS. And reason we became a Language Friendly School 2 years ago.
We also had the great pleasure of having Dr Ellen-Rose Kambel, the co-founder of Language Friendly School and Executive Director of Rutu Foundation present. During her speech she also launched the trailer of a new Massive Open Online Course for all teachers who wish to know more about creativity a language friendly classroom. As we are a certified Language Friendly School we are fully involved and featured in the second module of the course.
We want to thank our whole OIS community for making this day one to remember!